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75% Off your home purchase and save for your home with only $500/mo.

The Forever Home Savings plan from the Freedom Nation is an alternative savings plan towards paying the down-payment on your forever home and land. It has been designed to give everyone a guaranteed method to achieve home ownership in a set period of time.

Features of the Forever Home Savings Program.

Deep Savings

We provide all citizens with honest and fair no-interest land and home financing backed by alternative investment engines that are fueled by those who are passionate about our vision.


Your savings contract with Freedom Builders guarantees all savings and discounts and the acceptance of the FCR towards your home and land purchases.


Sale or gift the value of your FCR savings to someone else and profit from the 23% guaranteed increase in value of the Freedom Credit.

The Forever Home Savings Plan vs. Traditional Home Savings Plan

The figures below show the difference between a traditional savings plan used to purchase a home using a traditional 30-year loan compared to the Forever Home Savings Plan used to purchase the same single-family home. Each scenario factors in the change in home cost and the total payments made by the homeowner during the buying process.


Your monthly contribution to your savings plan.


Your monthly contribution to your savings plan after 5 years plus additional value of FCR


Amount of single-family home & land in 2030 with price locked in during the start of the savings plan.


Monthly payment with 20 year Freedom Nation 15/20/20 plan and no interest.


Total amount paid towards house after 25 years including 5 year savings plan.


Your monthly contribution to your savings plan.


Your monthly contribution to your savings plan after 5 years.


Estimated average cost of single family home in the United States by 2030 (RenoFi).


Monthly payment for 30 year loan at 8.5% interest rate.


Total amount paid after a 30 year loan at 8.5% interest.

Two amazing outcomes on the day you sign.

Lock in your home price at today's rates.

It cannot be understated the absolute value of being able to lock in today’s price for a home that you won’t be able to buy until 5 years from now. Home prices increase at a rate of up to 14% a year. In a traditional five year savings plan that is the same as your home doubling in price from the day you start saving to the day you go to buy.


One of the most unique features of the forever home savings plan is to lock in the price at the current rate of your home and know its surety that you will pay that price five years from now. The longer that you wait in order to start your savings program the higher the price will be. Everything about the forever home savings plan is designed so that you can start as soon as possible in the process of realizing your dreams. 

Gain immidiate access to your land .

Unlike any other method of saving for a home the forever home savings plan from the Freedom Nation allows you immediate access to your forever piece of land Included in your home purchase is 1.25 acres of land inside of a Freedom Village. On the day you sign up for the forever home savings plan you will be given full access to your land and the ability to enter the Freedom Village as a citizen land owner.


During the five years that you are saving for your home you will be part of the Freedom Village Community and have full abilities to serve on the village councils and committees as well as a fellowship events that will bring you closer to your future neighbors and help you shape the village in a way that makes it a more pleasant and productive place for you to live.

3 easy steps to start saving for your home and land.

1. apply for citizenship

Our plans are exclusively for Freedom Citizens.

There are many benefits to becoming a Freedom Citizen. Learn how to unlock the many privilages.

Freedom Nation is a members-only organization. Every member of organization is referred to as a citizen. To become a citizen of the freedom nation you must first apply and then go through our approval process. As a part of the process each existing citizen gets to choose the new citizens therefore you are always in control of who your neighbors are. 

2. subscribe to the plan

Sign-up for the Forever Home Savings Plan.

All of the programs and plans offerred by the Freedom Nation are available in our self service citizen portal.

Signing up for the forever home savings plan inside of the Freedom Nation Citizen Portal is as easy as just choosing a monthly purchase amount for your FCR and clicking a few buttons. As it moths stings inside of the freedom nation we put an immense amount of work into ensuring that it is easy for you to initiate and begin your dream plans.

3. monitor your progress

Use the Citizen Portal to monitor your success.

You can fully monitor the success of your savings and the growth of your FCR buying power in the portal.

Along with the other wealth of information that is available inside of the citizen portal the ability to track your purchases of fcr and view the growing buying power of the FCR towards is one of them. Our organization works on trust and transparency and it is always imperative that you have access to your information.

Technical Information about the Freedom Credit.

The Freedom Credit (FCR) is managed by the Freedom Nation Treasury

BscScan Transaction Log

BEP-20: Freedom Credit (FCR) Token Tracker | BscScan

Token Contract


Snapshot Voting Program

Freedom Nation DAO Treasury Proposals


Features of the Freedom Credit.


All FCR purchases are forwarded directly to your personal cryptocurrency wallet of your choosing. That means that every payment into the plan puts the FCR in your pocket. Noone holds your money. In addition, the FCR value is backed by the assets of the Freedom Nation.


All transactions happen on chain and execution and distribution of the Freedom Credit is available on the citizen portal dashboard. Because your savings is on the chain then no-one can ever take it away.


Because the FCR is in your wallet then you control who you give it to and how much you charge anyone you wish to sell it to. Using the Freedom Nation Citizenship communication platforms you can use it for trade or sale in addition to redemption for any Freedom Nation sold products.


The simple answer is no. The Freedom Nation is not a bank, nor are we registered as a bank or provide deposits. or traditional loan or financial products. All the freedom nations lending is done for in house developed products for which we provide our members a credit line. Although many of our products might serve the same purpose of traditional banking products, it is clear to note that they do not constitute a banking product.

Citizenship into the freedom nation is mandatory in order to purchase credits or any other assets directly from the treasury. The reason for this is because this is a real community. We value connections and we highly value transparency and self-governance. The Freedom Nation DAO Treasury is an essential element in the freedom nation infrastructure. Being able to make decisions as to the progress of our organization is a critical function that cannot be handed over to anyone who is not a citizen of the organization. 

With that in mind it should be clear as to why you must be a citizen in order to purchase the freedom credit from the treasury. Although we do not inhibit anyone from purchasing credit and selling it to someone outside of the treasury. However, within the freedom nation the greatest form of credit is your reputation. A citizen’s reputation is the single most significant factor utilized to determine creditworthiness, inclusion and opportunities and the willingness of other citizens to engage with that individual.

Although it is not against the rules to sell freedom credit to non-citizens, a citizen would expect that it would do damage to his credibility. That citizen would need to calculate the impact on that alongside his plans for being in the Freedom Nation.

No buying the freedom credit does not make you a shareholder inside of the freedom nation DAO treasury. Instead, the treasury is an LLC whose operating agreement binds the chairman of the LLC to make decisions in alignment with the voting system from the treasury. When you purchase your credit from the Treasury your transaction with the treasury is complete. In addition, the credit allows you to take advantage of weighted voting on the treasuries snapshot voting system.

This system stays within the defined laws of a limited liability company that only allow for 100 or less members to be part of the voting organization. However, by ensuring that the operating agreement binds the chairman so the decisions of the voting system the individuals inside the snapshot voting system do not become members of the company and are not liable for its decisions or actions.

Freedom credit can be purchased in two ways. The first way is from the treasury using your freedom citizen portal. Within the portal you may purchase any amount of FCR that is on sale. The freedom credit portal will allow you to pay for your purchase with Fiat based currency as well as popular cryptocurrencies such as usdc Bitcoin and ethereum. 

The second method, that is not monitored or conducted by the treasury, is to make an individual deal with a credit holder and purchase it directly from them. Although the treasury does not monitor nor take any responsibility or liability in peer-to-peer exchanges of the credit a space with inside of the freedom citizen portal is provided for citizens to place listings of credit sales.

All peer-to-peer credit sales are independent transactions between the two peers and not between the treasury.

The freedom credit is an accepted form of payment for anything that is build or for sale inside of the freedom nation citizen portal.

Anyone owning FCR may use the snapshot voting system in order to propose and vote on any topic of their choice to in a weighted voting system based on the amount of FCR that you hold in your linked crypto wallet. Both proposing and voting as well as the topics for which are proposed and voted on, are done so at the sole discretion of the FCCR holder.

Within the freedom nation citizen portal there is a form open to all citizens for proposing and presenting proposals that can be proposed by an FCR holder on the Snapchat voting platform.

The chairman of the freedom nation da O treasury is mandated by the operating agreement of the treasury to execute all decisions made inside of the Snapchat voting system. The treasury has no administrative functions, nor will it ever create them. Instead the treasury uses the same management structure as the freedom nation. Genius Co support services LLC maintains a professional management staff and it’s charge contractually to execute all decisions made by the treasuries voting system and executed by its chairman. At the time of execution and at the time of initial purchase of the FCR a fee is charged to the Treasury by the management firm for executing the decisions and managing the process.

The treasury maintains and off chain copy of the FCR transaction log. This off chain copy of the log will be used at any time to maintain the exchanges and current ownership of FCR. If the Binance chain happens to fail for any reason and cannot or will not be reinstated, then the treasury we’ll make an independent decision to issue the FCR on another blockchain or on a centralized system. The new FCR will be distributed to all owners in the exact quantities as are documented in the transaction log.

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