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Freedom Nation's Goal

To Develop and implement a new model for personal and economic growth.

At the Freedom Nation our primary goal is to facilitate a persistent state of wellbeing, peace and prosperity for underserved Americans.

We build environments of peace and prosperity for our citizens by:

Providing Financing and Investment

We provide all citizens with honest and fair no-interest land and home financing backed by alternative investment engines that are fueled by those who are passionate about our vision.

Developing Rural Based Communities

We Build Freedom Villages throughout the United States and abroad as sustainable and smart micro-towns that are legally governed by their citizens.

Increasing Business Profits

We manage the development and operations of wholesale, manufacturing and retail businesses and give direct access to raw materials and OEM manufacturers.

Re-Enforcing Communal Fellowship

We work diligently to provide always on, professional national and international support and program managemen to our citizens and their endeavors.

Providing a Professional Service

We work diligently to provide always on, professional national and international support and program managemen to our citizens and their endeavors.

Managing a Clear Long-Term Plan

Freedom Nation operates on a clearly defined 50-year plan to build an integrated and automated engine for economic prosperity and leverage for underserved poplations.

Our Board of Founding Members

Chairman: Mr. Faruq Hunter

Chairman Hunter is a seasoned global professional who has found what he likes doing the most, solving big challenges and helping excellent people achieve their full potential. Chairman Hunter is adiment that people should nit be known by titles, degrees and certifications but instead by the impact of their actions. In his professional career he has successfully lead 3 multi-billion corporation’s Agile transformations and brings senior level agility and project management and process improvement disciplines as a foundation for the Freedom Nation.

Chair: Muqaddam Ihsan Muhammad

Muqaddam Muhammad Is a scholar, teacher and Imam who has dedicated his life to the education of both adults and young children in order to build a sense of morality, direction and communal spirit in underserved communities in the United States and throughout the African continent. He is the US spiritual leader for one of the ten most influential Muslims in the world.

Chair: Mr. Mukhtar Jugger

Mr. Jugger  has over 15 years of experience as software engineer and global systems design and development lead. His focus is on creating systems that provide security and well-being to communities and underserved families around the globe. 

Chair: Ms. Kareema Hunter

Ms. Hunter is a Public Health Leader  utilizing 20+ years experience in business intelligence, data science, project management, research translation, collaboration building, partnership development, and evaluation. Her focus is on building and sustaining healthy populations by improving their mental, hysical and environmental health.

The Founding Principles of The Freedom Nation.

1. Ask of Noone

Free yourself from dependency on others.

Taking personal responsibility for yourself is essential to development.

When people take personal responsibility to develop their needs, it reduces the need for external aid, welfare and other subsidies. In addition, by providing a base of consistency, individuals are able to secure a productive lifestyle on their own. Insuring a sense of empowerment and relieving daily stresses that inhibit productivity.

2. Give to everyone

Provide an irreplacable and unique value to others.

Be valuable everyone will flock to protect what is valuable to them.

The purpose of creating individual freedom is to create higher productivity and stability. The production of a person’s individual needs is a foundation for project based learning, innovation, knowledge share and vigorous production, without the need for excessive regulation and oversight. The outcome is reduced cost and higher production for organizations and entities with free citizens.

3. protect your freedom

Defend yourself from your own limitations.

The greatest risk to your freedom is personal lack of discipline.

True Freedom enforces the need for Individual responsibility and discipline. Without an overt dependency on others, free individuals must learn proper resource management and increased order and discipline to maintain their lifestyle. This principle encourages self-policing and enforces the need for order created and maintained by the individual.

We make the American Dream a reality for the underserved.

Creating innovative solutions to enhance the life of those who the system does not work for is at the core of the American intention.

Awareness of the state of the Black American is not new and neither is the solution. As natural born citizens of the United States of America, the Freedom Nation holds the text of the U.S. Declaration of Independence as sacred: 


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.”


As Americans, the founding documents of our country, The Deceleration of Independence gives a clear resolution to remedy issues that reduce our “pursuit of Happiness”.


“That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

The Freedom Nation is a member-based solution for providing empowerment to those who have been disempowered.

The Freedom Nation is built on the understanding that every people deserve the opportunity to have peace, prosperity and an overall state of well-being with a clear and un-hindered outlook for the future.


Our organization was founded based on the evident understanding, given hundreds of years of disparity and current events, that a major group of Americans are being denied these basic concepts or at minimum living in fear of the demise of these basic needs on a daily basis. With 50 million Black Americans in the world, of which over 1.5 millions of are millionaires or billionaires, even the wealthiest and most successful of African Americans still complain that the environments for which they live, operate their businesses, deposit the energies and their ambitions, remain hostile and therefore lack a sense of overall peace and prosperity and destroy the basic concept of well-being.


The simple answer is no. The Freedom Nation is not a bank, nor are we registered as a bank or provide deposits. or traditional loan or financial products. All the freedom nations lending is done for in house developed products for which we provide our members a credit line. Although many of our products might serve the same purpose of traditional banking products, it is clear to note that they do not constitute a banking product.

Regardless of the ongoing debate about affirmative action and equal opportunity in the United States. Freedom Nation remains an equal opportunity. and non biased organization. Our Members select our members. Anyone is free to apply to the Freedom Nation, however., it is the current citizens of the freedom nation that are able to select and deny any member based on their own personal preference. These citizens are not employees, nor do they serve any executive or board roles at the Freedom Nation officially. by giving the citizens the ability to choose by noon citizens and members. the freedom nation hopes to ensure a succinct community. that has the highest possibility of resonating with the members of that community. Do you know why it’s a 92GYM and Jane shall work as real estate agents of property managers. So

 Anyone who applies to the Freedom Nation and is accepted through its on boarding process is allowed to be a member of the Freedom Nation. It should be noted that the majority of our products are designed in order to help America. And that fact should be considered in full prior to joining.

Freedom nation utilizes the management services of GeniusCo support services, llc and its subsidies in order to manage and maintain the Freedom Nation its billing. programs, projects and any products that we service or sale. In all cases, contracts with citizens and as well as products sold to citizens are done so through GeniusCo Support Services.

The Freedom Nation Network
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The Principles of Freedom by Faruq Hunter