Shrimp and grits, chicken and waffles, fried green tomatoes oh hallmarks of true southern food. As one of the latest additions to Sparta GA, freedom citizen Musa Hassan, is an expert on farm to table foods and southern cooking. In one fell swoop, the expertise of our brother was a single deciding factor and the owners of the largest urban farm and Sparta and one of the most historic southern food restaurants handing over control to Bread and Butter Farms and the Hassan family.

It’s an absolute amazing achievement to know that living in a rural space does not include the isolation from excellent food. Moose’s family knows all too well about ensuring that the heirloom seeds that they grow bloom into beautiful plants they’d nurture both the soul and the palate. In addition, Bread and Butter Farms is approved by the Georgia Department of health to provide meat products and maintains a 600 pound a week growth center for three varieties of mushroom right inside of downtown Sparta GA.

Located just a 5-minute drive from freedom village Georgia, the world’s most forward-thinking black-owned self-governance development, citizen Musa Hassan shows us on a daily basis the value of being self-sustainable, organic and still truly enjoying some of the greatest pleasures of life, eating.

300 farm-to-table is the name of the amazing establishment that sits directly across from the mushroom growth factory and catty corner to Sparta’s largest greenhouses that are all part of Bread and Butter farms. The next time you think to come to the village make sure that you stop in Sparta and get your grub on at 300 farm to table.